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About Us - Qui suis-je ?


About me: I am 4th generation on my mother's side to live in Caen, where I was born. I have a degree in foreign languages (English, and German) of the Caen University. When I was a student, I applied for a job in the "Memorial de Caen", where I have been employed for 13 years. That is how I had the honour to be in charge of the presidential tribune during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in 1994. After I passed the tour-guide exam in 1999 in French-English-German, I have been working both in the museum and as a free-lance tour-guide from. Then and until last december, I was manager in charge of the promotion and guided-tours departement in the Bayeux Tourist office. I currently work as a self-employed private tour-guide.

​Specialist of: WWII, Norman history and architecture, impressionnism.


Après 13 années passées au musée Mémorial de Caen, dont 8 en tant que guide sur les Plages du Débarquement, j'ai créé et dirigé le service guidage et assistance pros de l'Office de Tourisme de Bayeux Intercom pendant 8 ans. Guide passionnée, je partagerais avec vous mes nombreuses connaissances sur le Jour J et la bataille de Normandie.

Spécialités : seconde guerre mondiale, histoire normande et architecture, impressionnisme, art sacré et art du vitrail.

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